Home sweet home
Hello and welcome to a new week, I wonder how your week will unfold? What do you hope to put in place to stay calm and restful? It’s a tricky time for those who suffer with anxiety and depression, but It’s also a time that’s challenging for the overachievers, the go getters and the introvert alike. Why…because we are all being challenged right now and are probably learning new ways to feel, think, respond and just be in our lives.
I am here to help, a place of refuge for those that need stillness and a place of concentration and settling for those that are restless. I am delighted to be able to offer you all some well deserved time for you in a strengthening and uplifting calming way.
Each Sunday we will continue with our Yoga classes 10-11am
They will be online live streamed from my wellness room to all of you that wish to take part.
The set up is easy and simple and I can help you. We had a group class Yesterday and it was powerful and fun to see everyone. With 25 participants it was heartwarming to know our community are there for each other. Thank you
Here's the plan:
From today I will be putting on some regular classes See https://www.myrelaxationcoach.co.uk/classes for further details. There will be a charge for these classes. You can use your current class passes which I have already added to your account. Once we are back up and running usual classes at the Barn I will be offering 2 FREE classes to everyone to balance out the over price of the online classes versus the in class prices so it’s fair. I will also be offering free online sessions to via the facebook page so keep your eyes open there too. I have already run 2 free online live meditation sessions and 2 free yoga class sessions too so if you havn’t already LIKE my page here so you are in the loop with whats on offer.
You don’t need ant equipment to practice comfortably, carpets, yoga mats, wooden flooring all good. No need to tidy you house or your hair, no travelling, no parking no stress, yoga in the comfort of your own home with a teacher who loves and supports you. Everyone welcome. The Sundays classes with continue with our calming and therapeutic styles. Very mellow and mindful.
The wonderful online yoga community
Taking part in yoga online Sunday 29th March 2020
Online streaming. Here's how:
1. Sign up to the class via the link here: https://www.myrelaxationcoach.co.uk/classes
2. We will be using zoom.us app so please download this app in plenty of time for your class. You don’t have to sign up or pay anything to use the app
3. You'll get an email with a link from us 15-20 minutes before the class starts. Click the link and join the 'meeting'. You will initially go into the waiting room and I will then add everyone in from the waiting room. You can access the waiting room 5-10 minutes before the start of the class. Join early and then you can always have a quick cuppa or loo break whilst waiting for the start. You can Also just open the zoom pp and put in the meeting code and it will take your straight there. Please MUTE your microphone when signing in. Due to the number of participants I will mute everyone's microphones once we start class and have time at the end to ask questions and chat etc. It's up to you whether you leave your camera on. I'd be grateful if you could leave your cameras on so that I can see you but you can turn your video off if you'd rather not be seen.
***Make sure we have an up to date email address for you.***
Check your 'spam' folder if you can't see the email before the class starts.
Bookings and Cancellations:
As I need to manually send out an email with the link to the class please can I ask the following: Book yourself in more than 30 minutes before the start of the class. Cancellations must be made more than 30 minutes before the start of the class, otherwise you will be charged as if you had attended.
Equipment and props:
Improvise! If you haven't got a yoga mat use a towel or a blanket under your knees. have pillows and blankets handy for your comort but I will guide you through lots of alternatives too. Cushions and pillows can be used instead of blocks and bolsters.
I just want to say thank you to all of you for your support and your patience.
We will get through this. We will be ok.