Diversity, Equality & Inclusion values

As an individual business owner operating in the United Kingdom, I am committed to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in my coaching practice. I believe that embracing and respecting the unique backgrounds, experiences, intersectionality and perspectives of individuals fosters a positive and inclusive environment for personal growth, healing and development.

Commitment to Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion:

I am dedicated to creating a coaching environment that respects and values diversity and promotes inclusion. I will ensure that my coaching services are accessible and relevant to individuals including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, socio-economic status, and other aspects of intersectionality.


I will not discriminate against any individual based on protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act 2010, or any other applicable legislation. Every client will be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their background or identity.


I strive to make my coaching services accessible to all individuals. I will take reasonable steps to remove barriers that may prevent full participation, and I am open to making reasonable adjustments to accommodate specific needs or disabilities. I will also ensure that any communication materials, including my website and promotional content, are accessible and inclusive.

Inclusive Language and Communication:

I will use inclusive language in all my communications, both written and verbal. I will avoid discriminatory or offensive language and make an effort to create an inclusive and respectful atmosphere during coaching sessions and interactions with clients, considering the intersections of their identities and experiences.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

I am committed to maintaining client confidentiality and respecting privacy rights. I will ensure that all personal information shared during coaching sessions is kept confidential, unless required by law or with the explicit consent of the client. I will handle personal data in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

I recognise the importance of continuous learning and improvement in fostering diversity, equality, and inclusion, particularly through an intersectional lens. I will regularly educate myself about current best practices and strive to incorporate them into my coaching practice. I will also actively seek feedback from clients and stakeholders to improve the inclusivity of my services.

Complaints and Concerns:

I am dedicated to addressing any complaints or concerns related to diversity, equality, and inclusion promptly and effectively. I will provide a clear and accessible process for clients to raise concerns, and I will investigate and take appropriate action in response to any reported incidents.

We Are Utopia

Utopia is an award winning, culture-change business that aims to transform business culture from exclusive, hierarchical, siloed, and unengaged to instead be inclusive, healthy, and entrepreneurial. 

Founded on the belief that business could be better, we’ve supported some of the world’s largest brands in creating culture transformation using our unique boardroom-to-factory floor approach and evidenced methodologies for change.

We disrupt, inspire and rewire to make thriving people, thriving business and a thriving world.

Recommended Resources

Excellent resource platform for personal and professional accountability and education.