What is integrated therapeutic coaching?
Expert support for you when it matters most
I use multiple, powerful and effective approaches when supporting you. I support you in getting you to where you want to be, how you want to feel and achieving the things that make you fierce with life enthusiasm. A combination of the approaches below will be used during your journey and built around you personal goals and desired outcomes. You do not need to know or understand the process to be able to begin therapy. Simply a sense of enquiry and openness to a healing, calming and empowering process. Your session schedule will be advised during your initial therapy consultation and treatment session. It is usually advised that the first 4 sessions be booked weekly followed by an interim agreed by the client. Your sessions will be relaxing, healing yet powerful and up lifting. You do not need to know what to bring to the sessions for them to be successful. It is during the first session where clients are ale to uncover areas they wish to work on and discover ways in which these sessions can help.
If you are a new client please book yourself into a complimentary 30 minute video call to discuss your needs and to arrange your sessions.
Online sessions will be arranged using zoom app and you will be emailed the log in details or your session once booked.
Hypnotherapy is the use of deep relaxation, altered states and suggestion to help someone make positive changes in their life.
It is used to successfully resolve anxiety, stress and traumas, support physical healing, facilitate weight control, build confidence and improve most of the psychological and emotional issues that people face including anxiety and depression.
Hypnosis is a natural experience that happens to most of us each day when we become absorbed in doing something like driving, working, reading or watching TV.
The subconscious mind makes up about 90% of your total mind power and contains a “mental movie” of everything that has happened in your life. As you enter into hypnosis, you bypass the conscious mind and can then access information in the subconscious mind. The use of hypnosis gives you the opportunity to make changes that last.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful, gentle and relaxing experience.
Relationship support
Relationship coaching is a life coaching specialization that helps people find greater fulfillment in their personal and professional relationships. A relationship coach can help you set relationship goals, understand your current partnership, thrive inside your marriage, grieve a lost loved-one, or take your long-term romance to the next level.
If you are experiencing difficulties with a partner, family member or friend, then you can benefit from using a professional relationship coach.
Working towards a better future in all of your relationships will provide you with the opportunity to eradicate any fears or resentment that you are holding and discover how you can create better relationships with your loved ones in the future.
Grief therapy
Grief is a measure of our love and dependence and is the price that we pay for loving. It is mainly a reaction to loss, or anticipated loss, but it also includes our distress on behalf of the person who has died or who is dying. One of the things that we all need at such a time is a deeper understanding of both these parts of the grief reaction. For with understanding will come some relief.
For most of us, bereavement will be the most distressing experience we will ever face. Grief is what we feel when somebody we are close to dies. Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no 'normal' or 'right' way to grieve.
Bereavement therapy aims to help an individual explore his or her emotions. At the first meeting, the bereaved will likely be asked about his or her loss, about his or her relationship to the deceased, and about his or her own life now that (s) he has lost a loved one.
Allowing an individual to explore his or her emotions without guilt or censure is often what appeals most about bereavement therapy.
Life Coaching
Life coaching explores ways of changing what we are doing or how we are doing it in order to achieve better results.
It is about helping people to identify where they are now, where they want to be and how to get there.
Life coaching uses multiple methods that help with the process of setting personal goals and then staying on track to achieve those goals.
It is a holistic approach which considers the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of a client’s life and situation.
Life coaching is generally sought by individuals who feel that they have lost their sense of direction or are out of balance, and who recognise a need to address their situation. A powerful personalised experience designed just for you in way that works for you.
Relationship Coaching
3 month coaching process. Weekly - monthly sessions
15 sessions / individual sessions each and sessions together
Session time will be divided between couples sessions and individual sessions. The schedule will be agreed on during consultation as a pace and in a way that best works for your dynamic.
Relationship coaching is a specialisation that helps people find greater fulfillment in their personal and professional relationships. A relationship coach can help you set relationship goals, understand your current partnership, thrive and build confidence and connection, grieve a lost loved-one, or take your long-term romance to the next level.
Working towards a better future in all of your relationships will provide you with the opportunity to eradicate any fears or resentment that you are holding and discover how you can create better relationships with your loved ones in the future.
Although the goal of relationship coaching is to improve relationships, only one member of the relationship needs to participate in coaching for that to happen. Conflict resolution, mindfulness education and practice along with non violent communication education and relationship trauma therapy.
Soothe and Support
New Client Programme
Twenty 90 minute sessions
4-12 months of therapeutic support
FREE Weekly livestream yoga & meditation classes
FREE self care starter kit worth £110 (Includes bluetooth headphones, eye pillow, essential oil and Journal)
For most new clients this is the best place to begin, a process that respects your personal pace where you can both acknowledge and honour your challenges, trauma and grief as well as slowing down to help fully integrate the changes and healing that occur in the process. Trauma, grief, crisis, anxiety, depression, illness & diagnosis and loss will e held in this space.
On signing up you can schedule your free online video call consultation where we will meet and design together your therapeutic plan. You will be contacted on the day of your sign up to schedule your appointments.
Momentum & Meaning
(Available for current or previous clients only)
6 month coaching process
4 hours per month
Free weekly livestream yoga & meditation classes
This programme is for those wishing to continue the therapeutic process. You can schedule you 4 hours over each month in a way that most suits your needs that month. The areas of exploration can be expanded to include but are not limited to personal or spiritual growth and investigation, business leadership, business coaching and development, goal and desire strategy as well as have a regular safe space to share and benefit from support over the process of your daily life experience.
On signing up you can schedule your free online video call consultation where we will meet and design together your therapeutic plan. You will be contacted on the day of your sign up to schedule your appointments.
My Soul Speaks
12 month self care & self-advocacy process
This process is for CURRENT clients who have completed 1-1 sessions therapeutically and who would like to continue on a monthly basis to continue to benefit from professional support, guidance and learning. You will have one hour and half session per month (supplementary sessions can be purchased at a discounted rate of for £90 during the course of your process.)
Your monthly sessions can be use how you like and focus on what you feel you need, whether it be trauma care, business problem solving or deepening your meditation experience.
Your process follows the following self advocacy invitation to continue to place you and your needs and choices at the center of your life and this coaching experience. During your process we will deepen your understanding practice and experience of self advocacy.
1:Self-advocacy recognises that people are experts by experience and involves them in speaking out for themselves about the things that are important to them. It means that people are able to ask for what they want and need and to tell others about their thoughts and feelings.
2:Exposing yourself to opportunities that facilitate your own leadership, growth confidence and autonomy.
3: The art of language and how best to be seen, herd and visible in the world in the way you want, need and desire.
Peace building in business
6 months support (one session per month 90 minutes)
Building peaceful strategies and support into your life as a business owner.
It can be tough running your own business, the stresses and tensions run way beyond the 5 pm cut off point and specialist spaces to support, listen and encourage is integral to the success of not only your business but your personal life to. If you experience burnout, or find yourself online during holidays or late into the evenings, then it’s time to level up and upgrade.
These sessions are an opportunity to reboot, problem solve, be herd and held and experience coaching and friendship in a group environment.
These sessions will include topics that help you in your professional life and in the running of your business, BUT these sessions are about you, and your life and what is important to you as a person. These session aims to bring you and keep you close to your deeper values and keep you keeping on without you having to swap your personal life for your business life.